Thursday, December 27, 2007

This One Goes Out to the One I Love

A simple problem, to occupy my time...

That's what's playing on the stereo right now-it's a totally sluggish day at Casa Alley. We're moving slowly in order to maximize our energy for tonight's frivolity. Yesterday was kinda relaxing too, after Alley picked me up from the airport and dropped me off at her place, I just laid around and chilled with the kids. We really didn't kick it into high gear until around 10ish when a text message reminded us what time it was-we buzzed back to her place and threw on different shirts, brushed our hair and headed into downtown Indy.

Can I just say this? I fucking LOVE Indy. We started our night at the Slippery Noodle where we were treated to some great blues and drunken stripping by a hot guy. Our 3some became a 4some and we headed down the road to Ike and Jonesy's. I love that place-and I can't wait to go back. The music was great, the eye candy hanging with us was super cool and the floor show of drunken women being hit on by sleazy guys was pretty entertaining.

Alley and her half of the group bugged out a little earlier than I was ready, so I hung around till 5, having some fantastic conversation (ahem) and finally pushing him out of the car so we could both go home and get some sleep lol

I got "home" around 5:45 and fell into bed just as the sun was coming up.
Oy-I'm old, but I'm totally doin it all again tonight!

Saturday June 23, 2007 - 02:07pm (EDT)

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