Seriously, what’s up with you men and your love of the chase? Talking with a good friend of mine has really made me ponder this aspect of the male psyche. It takes me a little while to warm up to people. Like everyone else, I’ve got baggage and history and I like to think I’ve learned some lessons along the way. When I meet someone new I resist the urge to jump in headfirst, no matter how fabulous they may seem to be. I don’t start planning holidays in my head or wondering if they’ll like my kids. I just talk, get to know them and see what makes them who they are. I guess that makes me all the more attractive to some certain types of men who view me as a challenge or a conquest, something to be mastered, since I’m not panting for their attention or hinting at some sort of pseudo commitment.
Here’s the problem with that philosophy-once you capture me, then you don’t want me? Once you tease admissions of caring out of me, then well, the fun is gone? There’s no more thrill of the hunt, the stalking of the prey is over. The only problem with that is that while you’ve moved on to the Next Big Thing, I’m confused and wondering what I did that suddenly had you slamming on the brakes and hitting reverse. It’s a game, subconscious or not, and it’s not one I tend to want to play anymore.
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Wednesday October 18, 2006 - 12:01pm (EDT)
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