Everyone has one. That person that always seems to be hanging around the edge of all your thoughts. Not quite the one that got away, because you never truly had them. There were conversations, whispered confidences, soft giggles in the deep of the night when you thought "this is the beginning of something big". But. And there's always a but. They just couldn't quite make that leap from Good Buddy to Significant Other. They could already belong to someone else. Or they're nursing wounds from a past that you can't heal. For an adrenalin addict the roller coaster highs and lows are thrilling, nights of "He loves me, He loves me not" can be very entertaining when you're otherwise lonely.
Eventually, it stales. You might get angry with a "How DARE they not want ME?" or you just may drift along with a laissez faire attitude while they fade to black. You may vasillate between the two. The important thing is, you finally realize that it IS your precious time that has been wasted, for whatever reason. And you don't want to waste any more.
Thursday August 2, 2007 - 04:44pm (EDT)
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