Gah. I should've stayed in bed today with the phone turned off and a fabulous sleeping mask over my eyes. Have you ever had a day where even the most mundane of things gets all screwed up?
1-If there was something to be dropped, spilled or broken-I did it. I dropped a bowl of my fabulous homemade mac n cheese on my bedroom carpet. I was stirring some sour cream up and the gross sour cream water splashed out on my shirt (ew ew ew!). I dropped the bottle of cough syrup I had just wrestled from He Who Needs To Be Spanked, and Often. The Man managed to spill half a glass of Coke on my laptop. Now the keys are nice and sticky and I'm waiting for it to just say "fuck it and fuck you-you never took care of me" and die. I had to cut bubblegum out of hair of The Boy Who Finally Learned To Keep His Damn Gum in his Mouth.
2-I so cannot decide on an apt. We are now at T minus 4 weeks to the new owners taking possession of the house and so far my best bet has been just buying a big tent. Part of the problem is I'm a snob. There, I've said it. Luxury Apartments are just not luxurious enough for me. I want, nay NEED a garden tub. Gated is also nice. Every apartment I find is great except for just one little thing that I feel I truly need.
3-My friend Mike called me today. He and his girlfriend Heather bought a new McMansion a few months ago and he was renting out his old house. I love his old house. It's the perfect house for me. 3 bedroom split floorplan, enclosed and remodeled 2 car garage already wired with surround sound,, the master bath has the separate garden tub and walk in shower that I crave and, AND a built in pool with the attached ceramic hot tub. Oh, and a big huge redwood playscape for The Man. He said 1300 a month, no deposit no lease, he'll take care of the pool for me and just move in when I'm ready. However (isn't there always a however?) I can't bring Spike the Beagle. Now, not bringing Spike the Beagle isn't exactly a negative for me, but The Man adores him and well, I feel bad just pitching a dog to the side because the friggin HOUSE OF MY DREAMS is being offered to me on a silver platter. Did I mention that my baby shower was held in that house? That I've spent many a night getting oh so politely tanked in that jaccuzzi? I'm telling you, that house is meant to be mine and I'm going to end up giving it up for a damn dog.
4-I have approximately 41 more loads of laundry to do.
I need some love...
Monday November 6, 2006 - 05:26pm (EST)
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