Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Private Stuff

1) Is sex best morning, afternoon or night? Is there ever a bad time?

2) What side of the bed do you sleep on? If you're facing the bed, the left.

3) Pork, Beef, or Chicken? Beef

4) Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke? No

5) What leg do you put in pants first when pulling them up? My right

6) Candles or Incense? Candles. Incense was for the pot heads in high school.

7) Do you dance when no one is watching? All.The.Time.

8) Did you play doctor when you were little? yes, now I play naughty nurse ;) ( I totally stole that answer from Hedder)

9) Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? Nope

10) Stove top cooking or microwave? stove top

11) Would you rather clean your car or your house. Totally my house. My car is a landfill.

12) Shower or bath? Do you know me at all? Totally a bath girl.

13) Do you pee in the shower? EW. no.

14) Mexican or Chinese food? Mexican

15) Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? Spank my ass and call me sally...

16) Do you love someone on your top friends? I love Hedder, and Alley and Jimmy and Marty and Bethy and Joni and Billy Ray and Sara and Gilbo and Leo and etc etc etc

17) Have you ever had sexual relations with anyone on your top friends? Nope

18) Corn Dogs or Hot Dogs? MMMMM I seriously love hot dogs

19) Your favorite restaurant? Mimi's

20) What did you have for lunch today? I just ate 4 pieces of pepperoni that's probably gonna do it for me

21) Which do you prefer, iceberg or romaine lettuce? Romaine

22) When did you last fall down? I totally wiped out at Universal. Jimmy got to see the bruises-he was scared...

23) Have you ever wished someone were dead? Yes

24) Love or Money? Love-I know now that all the cash in the world can't make up for some certain things.

25) Credit Cards or cash? Depends on what I'm buying 26) Has there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn't? yes

27) Oreos or Vanilla Wafers? Oreos

28) How do you like your steak? medium well

29) How do you like your eggs? scrambled hard

30) Have you ever knocked someone off their feet in a fight? No

31) Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel? Read back a few weeks I'm totally a 5 star girl

32) Would you rather have a root canal or minor surgery? minor sugery I've never had a root canal

33) Would you shave your entire body including your head? ahem, it's all pretty much done EXCEPT my head

35) What is your favorite candy? reese's

36) Ever been to a strip club? I'm my own strip club for a few lucky patrons...

37) Ever been to a bar? Yes

38) Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? Technically no-however the manager of Carrabba's offered to call mine and Stacey's husbands to drive us home after a couple hours of chocolate martini's one night.

39) Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? No

40) Kissed someone of the same sex? no

41) Thrown up from drinking too much? Yes

42) Had sex in the car? Yes

43) Had sex at the beach? yes

44) How many people have you slept with? Are you kidding me? My daughter in law reads this!!!

Wednesday July 25, 2007 - 12:44pm (EDT)

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