Thursday, December 27, 2007

Things That Made Me Smile This Weekend

1-Watching Shelby leave for her first prom (and OMG was her date adorable!!)

2-7:30 AM text messages saying "wake up beautiful"

3-Belting out Loathing from the Wicked soundtrack with the E

4-Late night IM convo with Gilbo

5-Giving 594785698 cool points to someone funny enough to have the YIM name of "Otis Spunkmeir"

6-Little hands on my back with a sleepy voice saying "goo mornin mommy"

7-See the ex has shaved his head, gained weight and grew a goatee. Looking amazing at the same time. Laughing out loud when seeing the same.

8-Doing Shelby's hair and makeup for prom. She's certainly a stunning young woman.

9-Skinny dipping.

10-Knowing inside that the bad days always end and the sun will always shine.

Sunday May 20, 2007 - 11:07am (EDT)

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