Mmmmmm squeeze cheese and vegetable wheat thins. Mix with a 2 liter of Coke and warm vanilla sugar bubble bath and life is good again.
Any man that wants to tangle with a woman in the full blown throes of her period is crazier than she is. I know I'm a bitch and I know I'm irrational - pointing that out to me is rarely going to bring you to a good end.
Luckily for me I have a couple very good friends that toughed this week out - even at my most batshit insane. I can't even begin to tell you what a comfort it is to be able to pick up the phone and just wail and have someone say "well, honey" and proceed to point out the reality that the world is cruel and no things don't always turn out how we want them to but dammit Keri is still pretty cute and we all love her anyway. Also reminding me that things will always pass and I'll feel better on Friday has been rather helpful for the last 27 hours or so.
So, thanks Becky and Jeremy, you guys rock and have my neverending loyalty - redeemable whenever you're having a shitty day or 3.
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