Thursday, January 10, 2008

Miss Keriann's School of Socializing

Someone I correspond with via email made a smart comment to me about "social life? What is this thing you call a social life?" I felt compelled to instruct him:

Oh, a social life is a FANTASTIC thing to have! You go to dinner and sit across from someone you like to look at and you have these things called "conversations" which is basically trading opinions on things like politics and movies etc etc

Sometimes when people have social lives, they stay inside and watch tv, cook dinner, sit really close together on furniture with someone they like to look at and have found from those "conversations" that they like to talk to them too.

Eventually, people who are experienced in stages 1 and 2 of social lives move on to stage 3, which involves inserting tab A of one person into slot B of the person they like to look at and talk to.

I can further educate you on the finer points of social lives, if you like :)

1 comment:

Ursus maritimus said...

Let me know where to enroll for this course, especially if your teaching :-)