Yes, sports fans, I am comin back to the big city. I tried, really, I did try to like it here. The house was charming, the neighbors were not. While I could sit on my porch swing and listen as trains whistled in the distance, I could not shop anywhere but Walmart
. I had no pool. I made friends and I'm going to miss them a lot (people have already begun laying claim to all future weekend plans between now and when I actually blow this pop stand) but at heart, I'm a city girl. I'm not a scrapbooky, paper crafty, homeschooling, prairie skirt wearing kinda chica-I'm a firm believer in having a Manhattan cocktail every night while I soak in my sunken tub and flip through Vanity Fair. Soooo, to Vinnie who has called me regularly singing the theme to Green Acres for the last 9 months-dude I'm pulling an Eva Gabor and comin' back to civilization!
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